I need a break from the seriousness.
The website went down again. So much stress getting it back up. In the midst of it all I asked myself, “Where’s your gratitude?”. I came up with the usual suspects like being grateful for the opportunity to bring like-minded people together online. Then I stopped myself. Is it really always that serious? Does it have to be? Hell no! So today we take a break from the serious and embrace the silly that the internet has to offer. Well at least the meme-making, gif-making, ridiculous photo-findings and a Weird Al video. Silliness, the perfect distraction.
Thank you NASA for sharing space photos for the public to use as art, and by art I mean cats in space gifs. I was inspired to make this because I was meditating and had a vision that looked similar to this. Afterward I analyzed the meaning behind it all and then I realized it can just be ridiculously awesome without any deeper meaning.
Yes, this is me! For my 40th birthday I am throwing a swimming party. I’ve been a little self-conscious thinking about my friends seeing me in a bathing suit. STOP IT. It’s supposed to be fun. It’s a party. Have fun, Antonia. Let your silliness out to play.
Listening to Weird Al for silliness inspiration. Decade after decade he teaches us the rules of silly. Be ridiculous. Try shit. Don’t worry about it. Move on to the next one.
And last but not least … Cat beards. Pick up cat. Put it in your face. Take a selfie. Try not to get scratched. hahahahahaha
[su_quote cite=”Brandon Stanton”]He seemed like a man who went through life looking for the smallest excuses to be happy.[/su_quote]
This Week’s Gratitude Question
[su_button url=”http://www.ourgratitudecollective.com/activity/” background=”#178fb3″]What are you grateful to have access to online that makes you laugh?[/su_button]
My Gratitude Experience Last Week
On Saturday I was given a homework assignment to write ten things that I was grateful for. I usually write about three or four so ten was quite a bit more. That evening before I wrote my gratitude I was feeling sick to my stomach and also a sadness came over me like a slow moving dark cloud. Still when I sat to write my gratitude list it just grew and grew. There is never a shortage of gratitude. It is an abundant stream that comes crashing in and at times just trickles but it never ends.
Forgotten Gratitude
Last week I was also grateful for Venus and Jupiter holding hands … A lemonade handed to me when I was so in need of not only water but a zap of sugar, thank you Ann … My Uncle Paul teaching me so much about working from home and being on time and being serious and being silly.
A New eCard
Image by Antonia Montoya
The Gratitude I Shared Last Week
Sun | 7/5/2015 | I’m grateful for a couple dollar fix for my most recent car problem, yeay fuses … A big payout … A relaxing and energizing dream-filled nap … Bill Withers. |
Sat | 7/4/2015 | I’m grateful for the moon shining bright through the clouds, yes again. I always talk about the importance of varying the gratitude we share but not this time. The moon has a hold on me and I love it so so much. I’m grateful for an influx of money. I’m grateful for water dunked over my head when I overheated earlier. I’m grateful for love, working together as a team and silly app hugs. |
Fri | 7/3/2015 | I’m so grateful for Joe @animatedali it was so fun to celebrate his birthday, playing, being silly, eating lots of yummy food and a virgin daiquiri; thank you, Joe, for your generosity … I’m grateful for a day off of work today, what a nice relaxing morning … I’m grateful for glowing moonlight brightening that small piece of clouded sky. |
Thu | 7/2/2015 | I’m grateful for an unexpected nap … A fresh pot of red chile … Being thrown into a new team and all of us working well together … A yummy apple pie treat thank you, baby. |
Wed | 7/1/2015 | I’m grateful for being able to be here for a friend and get out of my own head … I’m grateful for inspiration and understanding coming to me and creating a solution that might just work … I’m grateful for how close my family is … I’m grateful for the energy, passion, generosity, commitment and drive of the staff and young leaders of the Forum for Youth in Community. |
Tue | 6/30/2015 | I’m grateful for seeing a great egret twice today! What was he trying to tell me? I’m grateful for successfully finishing my month of June learning challenge. I learned so much about Illustrator and I’m excited to keep putting it to use. I’m grateful for the chance to connect with Eden for a little bit today and because of her I also got to see my mom, Cassandra and I got to hold sweet smirking Esequiel. |
Mon | 6/29/2015 | I’m grateful for fried green tomatoes tonight with my lady and memories of the first time I had them in Atlanta with Heather and Jimmy … I’m grateful for my walk ending just before the afternoon rain rolled in … I’m grateful for getting work accomplished just in time today and for help to make the deadline … New venture possibilities. |
[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]