Saying Goodbye to the Man Who Literally Wrote the Book on the Power of Intention

The Power of Our Thoughts

Wayne Dyer was a man who wrote a book called The Power of Intention as well as many other self-help books. He lived a life aligned with his intentions and inspired many with his teachings. He taught that we can choose to connect with intention to create the lives of our dreams. All we have to do is actively make that choice again and again. Then we have to change our thinking because our thinking creates our reality. We contemplate ourselves as surrounded by the conditions we wish to produce. Then we have to let go of fear and trust that this will come to be (or even that they already are!).

When we have doubts, blame, fears, complaints these are just resistance. Our thoughts create our reality so if we indulge these fears or complaints we are not contemplating ourselves as surrounded by the conditions we wish to produce. Even after all this time practicing gratitude I still get tangled up in fears and complaints. I often find myself saying, “the problem is”. Which is the beginning of a complaint. I am grateful right now for this reminder from Mr. Dyer that as long as I am announcing problems I am creating that reality instead of connecting with the possibilities of what I actually want. It makes me wonder what I actually want. Do I want something to complain about or do I want to succeed?

Wayne Dyer passed away on Saturday. So much of our gratitude work is aligned with the teachings of Mr. Dyer and he has inspired me for many years now. So this week, in honor of his work, I will send a daily email with a Wayne Dyer quote. These quotes will inspire us to change our thinking which will change our reality. Enjoy! If you would rather not receive daily quotes for one week just reply and let me know.



[su_quote cite=”Wayne Dyer”]Our intention creates our reality.[/su_quote]


This Week’s Gratitude Question

speakup  [su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What are you grateful showed up in your life that was aligned with your intentions?[/su_button]



My Gratitude Experience Last Week

zoomOn Saturday I wrote my gratitude and it was short and to the point. It wasn’t written poetically. There were only two adjectives in the entire post. And then I remembered it was the full moon so I went outside. Poetry floated through my thoughts as I sat under the moon. I didn’t capture it all in my gratitude post and that is OK. It was a beautiful moment of late summer with a chill in the air and peacefulness of a spontaneous date with the moon.


Forgotten Gratitude

extraLast week I was also grateful for getting along joyfully, easily, lovingly … Alone time that helped me feel centered even as things went a little crazy … An absolutely beautiful new dress gifted to me that fits me perfectly.



A New eCard

Image by Antonia Montoya

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The Gratitude I Shared Last Week


Sun 8/30/2015 I’m grateful tonight we sat under the light of the moon without a god damn thing to do. I love you. I’m grateful for impromptu quality time with Felicia, Markus and Eva with an unforgettable float in the irrigation water. I’m grateful for getting my body moving while I relaxed.
Sat 8/29/2015 I’m grateful for my front yard cleared of weeds … A nice laid back day off … A gift of vinyl x 2.
Fri 8/28/2015 Thankful for being able to be of service … Also for receiving the gift of time myself … So happy I got to enjoy some midday time together with Nicole and lunch at our favorite place … A rejuvenating two-hour nap … That spectacular sunset this evening.
Thu 8/27/2015 I’m grateful for a day overflowing with beautiful heartfelt conversations, women entrepreneurs, healers, sisters and mom … A most delicious thoughtful dessert bon voyage … Mutual beneficial helping.
Wed 8/26/2015 I’m grateful for a new giant ice pack, way colder than the first … Support and compassion and freedom to do what my body needs … Ditching the book I was reading and turning to one that came highly recommended, so good that I have been copying quotes left and right, learning so much, inspired to act.
Tue 8/25/2015 My head is pounding and I’m grateful for the soothing of closed eyes … I’m grateful for excitement for a project to help a friend tomorrow … I’m grateful for making new connections, united by love and by loving service … I’m grateful for our comfy firm bed.
Mon 8/24/2015 Tidy little folded rows … Deep breaths and a closed door to take care of myself … The crunch of radish and the way they bite back … Muy healthy and well in so many ways.


Created by Antonia Montoya

[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]

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