Moment after Moment
I’m a big fan of starting over. Sometimes if I am having trouble communicating I will just ask to start over. It works for me. Going throughout my days moment after moment I can choose to start over. In this moment I can choose gratitude. I can refocus or continue my same focus.
I can choose to be overwhelmed and busy or I can do the same amount of work but choose to be calm.
In this moment.
The day after tomorrow is 1000gratitudes. As you know we will work together to collectively share #1000gratitudes. How many gratitudes will you share? How many moments of gratitudes will you choose?
What a wonderful opportunity to practice a day in the life of a grateful person. No matter how busy we are we can choose gratitude. In this moment and the next.
Take to the internet on Wednesday, February 11th armed with your personal gratitude and the #1000gratitudes hashtag and you can join us as we collectively post 1000 gratitudes. Post on, post in the facebook event page or your preferred posting place. And if you are in Albuquerque I hope you will party with us 4-9pm at the Kosmos 1715 5th St.
[su_quote cite=”Melody Beattie”]Cherish all your moments. Embrace the beauty and importance of each one.[/su_quote]
This Week’s Gratitude Question
[su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What are you grateful for in this moment?[/su_button]
My Gratitude Experience Last Week
One day last week I quickly wrote out two things I was grateful for and then I got stuck. I couldn’t feel gratitude anymore and I got frustrated. I was very sleepy and dozed off a few times and woke up, looked at my phone and tried again to no avail. I was so angry this was happening. I was trying to force it and of course it didn’t work. I was too tired at the time to think about some strategies to work through it. Now looking back I realized what set me off. I said I was grateful for marking things off of my to do list. I was grateful for that but immediately my mind went to the items on my list. I felt overwhelmed and was focusing on all I had left to do instead of feeling grateful for all that I accomplished. If only I would’ve had the insight to stop looking at my phone, focus on my breathing, do some strategies for being present. Now I realize that sometimes I am just not feeling it and that is OK. I could have just posted the two things and return to post a third thing later. That’s what I will do next time. Going easy on myself is key.
Forgotten Gratitude
Last week I was also grateful for writing my gratitude first thing in the morning, I lost it before it posted but it didn’t matter it already started my day off in a grateful way … Compassion and feeling validated … More work coming my way.
A New eCard
Image by Antonia Montoya
The Gratitude I Shared Last Week
Sun | 2/1/2015 | I’m grateful for 4wd which removed that anxious feeling I usually get with a slip slide or wheel spin … I’m grateful for being accepted even as I read instead of watching the game at the party … I’m grateful for clean sheets and clean teeth … Sexy eye contact. |
Sat | 1/31/2015 | I’m grateful for getting rid of even more clothes that I have held on to for way too long … I’m grateful for someone looking out for me and saving my favorite scarf that I must have dropped in the parking lot … I’m grateful for a really nice earl grey and cherry berry crumb pie. |
Fri | 1/30/2015 | I’m grateful for beautiful murals, each creating a different feel and emotion, by local young native artists … I’m grateful for pants that fit and flatter and this little bit of self-acceptance that helps me love my body unconditionally … I’m grateful for that movie finally ending so I could take off my glasses and go to sleep. |
Thu | 1/29/2015 | What a wonderful thankful day. A deep conversation about physics, the cosmos, and perception that was energizing and made my brain smile … The generous time of a curandera, learning, sharing, walking into my future open to possibilities … Emilio’s excitement to see me, his energy and twang … I’m so very grateful that my lady is not in pain. |
Wed | 1/28/2015 | I stopped in my tracks when walking earlier to fully take in the smell of baking bread, I’m grateful for experiences that bring me fully to the present … I’m grateful for intriguing layered deep art and lightness in ego … I’m grateful for getting out of the fucking store earlier, gah I was so done with being in there and ready to be home … Speaking of, I’m grateful to be laying down on the couch right now. |
Tue | 1/27/2015 | I’m grateful for ice and ibuprofen … A nice conversation about meditation with my uncle, focus on the bell inspiration … Insight and truth that comes to me as I say it, today and often … The softest bra, like a cuddly hug. |
Mon | 1/26/2015 | I’m grateful for reconnecting with my friend for a long walk and deep talk … A hawk calling this morning and flying right overhead … Resting my irritated, sensitive and sleepy eyes. |
[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″]
My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it!
A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide.
My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can to. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336.
Created by Antonia Montoya[/su_note]